Christensen Reading

As I read every reading, it becomes more and more clear how media is constantly influencing everything around the world. When we are doing something the first thing everyone does is post on facebook, instagram, twitter or snapchat. And it is most certainly not influencing one age group, it has even started spreading to little kids, which honestly blows me away. Society teaches them how to act, live and dream, it is the hidden education. From such a young age, they are shaped into who they can and should be as a person, and I couldn’t disagree with this more. There is such an importance in having a childhood where you play outside and use your imagination, but kids are not experiencing this at all. While there were many quotes that stuck out to me, the one that says “the impact of racism begins early.” Not realizing the meaning behind this until it was explained, I finally understood. Little girls don’t see the differences of race and they are automatically influenced to believe so many things from the “fairy-tales” they read about. “They win because of their beauty and their fashionable attire.” Almost all of these stories they’ll interact with are male-dependent and teach girls that the final step to their lives is the happily ever after, with the prince. Which is the furthest from true. However, time and time again these flaws are noticed, and pointed out but there is still little to no action being made, which defeats the whole idea. Children are fueled by the idea that at such a young age, they can teach someone something that they didn’t realize or have never seen before.

One thought on “Christensen Reading

  1. Very nice blog. I liked how you had a basis of your opinion on how media can influence children with a false reality. The statement that you made “…these stories they’ll interact with are male-dependent and teach girls that the final step to their lives is the happily ever after…” supports your idea and expands my understanding of the article.


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